Monday, February 16, 2015

The Chicago Temple and a Sealing

Elder Paxman and Elder Ryan at a dinner following the sealing of the Ramirez family in Chicago.

Elder Paxman riding the saddle at The Texas Roadhouse for his 21st birthday last week.
A member took him and his companion. 

Dear Mom,

The temple was amazing!! The picture you have seen was taken at a chapel in Chicago after we went to the temple.  We went there and ate with the extended family and friends of the Ramirez family. So it was awesome. All those girls with us in the picture, by the way are sister missionaries that serve in the Ramirez families older ward that they used to attend. We rode with the Nehring’s but the drive was hatin it. The road sucked the whole way and it was way snowy. So that wasn't awesome. Chicago was freaking butt cold, but other than that, a really pretty city. We were only able to drive through it at night. So pictures of it are scarce. Also my camera was having a freak out when I tried pictures, so I switched to video, so I don't have many pictures, but I do have a few videos. It was a beautiful temple! I liked it a lot. It was amazing going to the temple after not having gone in such a long time. I loved every minute of it and the sealing was amazing! My first one, so that was awesome! The peace and revelation gained in the temple is amazing. I can't wait to be able to go back once again, when I get home. Also I still have one more temple trip available before I return home. This one counted for the last six months. So it was amazing. I got to watch the old video again, which was nice, but I wanted to see the one I haven't seen yet! Oh well, one of these days I will get to see it. No one else from the branch went besides the Nehring’s and one lady named Catalina. She went and did baptisms.

I will work on the haircut before transfers. (I saw in the picture his hair was long, I told him he needed a haircut) Transfers are this next week... We will find out what is happening in this area here soon... My bet is that I am leaving... Which I do not want to, but that is my guess what will happen.

How was Texas Roadhouse for your birthday?  Tell Eddie thank you so much for the pictures. Yep I ate a pound and a half of steak and it was amazing!! Ribeye we even had to get it specially ordered. Eddie is a single member; he is coming back into activity. Great guy! I really like him a lot. I will tell him thank you from you for the pictures. He is a great guy and has returned into activity in the last oh probably 2 months. I really like him a lot.

How is the work?  Are you still teaching your 2 investigators? Can you believe that if I had not gone home, I would be coming home in a week!!! That is crazy to believe! It blows my mind, and I am thankful that I still get to serve every day! With Judy and Sergio things are going well. We are still teaching them, and we are hoping they can both make it to church this week. If so that would be amazing! We are continually trying to find people to teach and other than that, just doing our best.

Dad got your bike out because the weather has been nice. I cannot wait to get back on the motorcycle and enjoy that. It is snowing here finally. A decent amount too. 

I told him about our Valentines activities. What movie did you watch? Eddie said “The Kingsmen” is a must see! So add that one to the list! What movie did you watch with dad and Uncle Troy?  That is nice that Brooklyn and Mayce got to go to the Stake dance on Valentines. That was probably fun. I was always more of a tractor days guy myself! Yes mom I guessed the Chocolate covered strawberries. That is a dead giveaway. Brooklyn probably stole one too. Things don't change mom hahaha.

I sent him the picture collage I put together for his birthday. I was a cute little fart wasn't I?? ha-ha Oh how times change... Now it is like... "what happened!?" hahaha. Oh the days when life was easy, and all I cared about was how many snakes I could catch and bugs I could eat... Good times, good times...

So this week we had a Zone Conference with the two zones in the surrounding areas, and President was there. While it was going on, he turns and says. “Columbus Spanish, what is going on there?” I was shocked... I didn't know what to say. President is having a really hard time with this area, because he does not know why the work isn't going forward as it should be. There are a few reasons for this I believe. I won't really go into it too much today though. He paid us an amazing compliment though. He told the ZL's that he has some of the best missionaries down here and still not a lot is happening. I think we really need to be increasing the members trust in us, even more. I thought we had it, but I am not sure. That is the biggest issue that I can see at this moment, or possible issue. So we will see how this goes. Although I feel this area has grown well, since Elder Ryan and I have gotten here. We went from nothing to now two people on baptismal dates and some less actives coming back to church. This is all thanks to the blessings of the Lord. I really hope I can stay in this area, but most likely I will be transferred.

I have a question.  I would love feedback from anyone who reads the blog. I don’t know how I could get feedback, but if there is a way I would like to hear what they say. This is the question. "What do you expect out of missionaries?" I am curious to see what people say. (I think if you want to email him your thoughts ideas that would be great,

Oh actually before I forget, I was wondering if you could do something for me. Could you get my CTR ring and get a dog tag chain and put it on it, and if you could then send it out to me that would be great. I never liked wearing it on my finger a ton because it bugged me, but around my neck, I can do.

Anyway... So this last week was really good. Karina Banda came to church this week for a bit. It meant the world to me. I was so happy that she was able to come. She is very dear to me. I can't remember if I told you this or not. So when I first met her with Elder Rowberry and Elder Blood, I had this distinct impression come to me, you will impact this women's life and she will do the same to yours. She, I truly believe is one of the reasons I came back. It has meant the world to me, to be able to get to know her and grow close to her. She is someone I hope to stay in contact with for the rest of my life. We were talking to the branch President last night about this. We were talking about what can we do to make this area flourish. I have felt that this area has the potential to baptize many and bring many others back. This area can be a great area. I have felt it, and I have felt it about everywhere I have had the privilege to serve. I know that this work is progressing. I am sad that I will only be a full time missionary for a few more months, but I am determined to prove faithful. In another man’s words, that I now take as my own; There are many souls whom I have loved, and to them I am determined to prove faithful. At times in my life, I have felt as if I have failed. I have felt it at times in the last few days; many times this is the adversary working his wiles and schemes to make us doubt ourselves and the potential of others. I know that I am so far from perfect and that I continually make mistakes, but I also know that every day is a new day, and that I can become better than I was and make up for my mistakes, through the Atonement of Our Savior. I hope to prove faithful in that great and last day and every day to it. I know there may be days I am not, but that if I try, I will get there, and so can everyone else. There is a section in the D&C I believe 76 and it states what kind of people will be in the Celestial Kingdom of God. It is those who will Overcome all by Faith in the One who has loved them. That is not exactly how it is phrased, but oh well. President gave us a compliment that was amazing, he said something like: "in the last year and some change we have had many missionaries come and go, but I feel that the 4 Elders we have now are truly great missionaries" This was touching for me to hear, and something I needed at the time, for I had thought that I had failed. We are destined to succeed if we but try. I have seen it in my life; there are times, when I feel that I am truly lucky to be alive. I know that I am. I hope and pray that I may live worthy of those extra moments I have been granted.

Well I love you all so much and hope that this week is an amazing one. Remember that we are the makers of our own happiness not the substance to be acted upon (or the consequences of someone else's actions. Whatever sounds better) We are to be happy and joyful, it is stated again and again throughout holy writ. Well I love you so much and hope that you can all make this week one worth remembering! 

Love, Elder Paxman

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