Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Beginning...Entering the Mission Training Center

Today Benjamin entered the Mission Training Center in Provo to begin his service to the Lord as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  We dropped him off at 1:45 p.m.  He will remain in the MTC for 6 weeks where he will begin to learn the Spanish language.

A few pictures before we left for the MTC.  What a handsome missionary!

 Bailee and Kyle weren't able to be here today because of College classes.  We are glad we got some photos yesterday of all of us together.

 Upon arriving at the MTC we were met at the entrance by a gentleman who looked in the car and said "Do you have an Elder in there?"  He then put a purple post it note on the windshield and told me to proceed around the buildings to the number 22 on the curb.  As we made our way to number 22 you could see the curb lined with Missionaries.  There were literally hundreds of them waiting for the new incoming missionaries.  It was an exciting sight to see.  Elder Paxman said, "It's weird to think all these cars have new missionaries in them just like me."
 Some of these photos are grainy because Brooklyn was taking them through the window.

 We pulled up to 22 and were met by 4 elders.  One came immediately forward to greet
Elder Paxman.
"Where are you from?" he asked.
He was from Salt Lake.
We retrieved Elder Paxman's luggage, I gave him a quick hug and an "I Love You".
Dad did the same. (Brooklyn snapping pics from the Van)
And Elder Paxman walked away.
 I wont lie, there were a few tears falling.  Just a few. :)

We really tried to be very quick.  We said our goodbyes at home.  The families that were lingering were having a much more emotional time.
We didn't want to have a huge cry fest and make it hard for Elder Paxman.
An older Sister Missionary told us Thank you as we hurried to get back in the car.
His friend Trenton told him a few days ago, "Promise me after you hug your parents and start to walk away you wont look back.  NO matter what you do don't look back.  It will be easier."
He didn't look back!!

As we drove away the tears started in earnest.
Two years is a long time not to see each other.
But, I know he will serve 100% and love it!
WE couldn't be happier or prouder parents.


Kyle said...

Great post! I wish I could have been there!

Bailee said...

SO awesome, Mom! I bet he's just loving it right now. He looks great in his suit, too. What a stud!

Can't wait to see all of the wonderful things posted here on the new blog! Love you!