Saturday, May 17, 2014

Well done thou good and faithful servant...

You can't have a welcome home without signs and balloons!!  So we prepped the yard.  Brooklyn even broke out the sidewalk chalk and decorated!

 I thought she did a pretty good job drawing Indiana!!
 We had to get creative with short notice.  Thank goodness for butcher paper and sidewalk chalk!!

 Grandma, the Girls and I waited on pins and needles at the bottom of the escalator!!

Daddy and Grandpa were a little more patient.... 

From the time the screen says his flight has arrived... it just takes forever.
Everyone that comes down that escalator before him, says "he's coming" with big smiles! 

Then we FINALLY caught our first view of him... gave a big cheer and then my waterworks started

Daddy getting his first appearance on video...

 Look at that Handsome Missionary!!

 Time for "The Hugs"

I'm 90% sure I was saying,  "Let me have a look at you, your so skinny and pale.."

 Daddy's turn



Grandma... Grandpa had a hug too, but he had crazy eyes in the pic, so I saved it. ;)

So fun to be reunited after 14 months!!

 He's Home!

Our stake has a tradition that I did not know about...
When the missionary meets with the Stake President and the missionary is released 
the Mom removes the Missionary's name tag.
Can I just say I did not want to be the one to do this..
He didn't want it removed, he wants to keep serving, so it was a bittersweet moment.
We both shed a few tears...

Well done thou good and faithful servant!!!

Ben has been continuing to undergo further tests and treatments.  He is doing much better and his blood levels are improving.  It's not going to be a quick fix, but it's moving along.  He has such a strong desire to return and finish out his mission in Indiana, if it's the Lord's will, it will happen.  If it's not, he served a great mission, he served with honor, he was a great missionary,  and he touched and changes many lives, including his own!!

So unless the Lord sees fit to return "Elder Paxman to Indiana" this part of Elder Paxman's life and this blog are complete.

These next two photos were taken on a small (very small) hike he and his dad went on the past Saturday May 29.  It is a place overlooking the Draper Temple.  Ben has been having cabin fever and wanted to get out for a bit.  As you can see he is looking a little better every day! Still skinny and still pale, but we're working on it!!  Continued prayers, love and support are always welcome!!

*This entire blog post was actually written 2 1/2 weeks after he came home, that's how I could add these last two pictures of him. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure love this Elder. He has been the recipient of many prayers from this mom and this home! We have grown to lve, respect, admire and aspire to be more like Ben Paxman! To stand a little taller, try allot harder! We are proud of him and grateful he spent six months sharing missionary experiences with our son!! We love you Ben and your family!! Well done thou good and faithful servant!!!