Sunday, September 14, 2014

Returning to the Mission

After almost 4 months of medical treatment Elder Paxman has returned to his service as a full time missionary.

Early in  August Ben received a call from his mission medical doctor stating that if it was his desire to return to the mission he would now approve a reinstatement to mission service.  This was not a guarantee Ben would be able to return.  His doctor had to sign a letter and a letter had to be written by the Stake President as well as a letter from Ben.  On August 19th Ben turned in a letter to the Stake President stating his desire to return to missionary service. It along with a letter from Ben's doctor and the Stake President all had to be reviewed by a variety of different people including the missionary department and then final approval by a member of the Quorum of the 12.

On the afternoon of August 21st Ben received a call from our Stake President informing him that he would return to the Indianapolis, Indiana mission on September 9th.  On August 27 a letter was issued from the office of the First Presidency officially reinstating Ben as a full time missionary signed by President Thomas S. Monson.  On September 8th Elder Paxman was again set apart as a full time missionary and on September 9th we again sent him on his way.

Many prayers were answered and many miracles have happened to allow Ben to return to his mission.  He is excited to return to Indiana and share the gospel with the Hispanic people there.  

Our family after he was set apart.

 At the airport just prior to leaving.

Indiana here I come!

And off he goes.

One last look back and a wave.

Arriving in Indiana and in the hands of the Mission President and his wife.

D&C 42:6 And ye shall go forth in the power of my Spirit, preaching my gospel, two by two, in my name, lifting up your voices as with the sound of a trump, declaring my word like unto angels of God.

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