Monday, September 15, 2014

Each Missionary and Person is designed for Greatness!!

Elder Paxman and his new companion Elder Golledge.

Dear Mom,

Okay, so my stomach is feeling alright.  I have started the Iron, and I might jump to once a day depending on how I feel.  It has been hard for me too, not crying hard, but harder than I thought it would be. I need you to send me the 12 weeks book and another one you might have to find called Adjusting to Missionary Life, they are in my room somewhere.  Okay now to answer all of your questions first.

How was your flight and did you fly with other missionaries?  Was your cousin Miranda on your flight?  When you got to the gate were there other missionaries for you to hang out with?  Did you get to talk to other missionaries going to Indy that are Spanish?  Was it a smooth flight or bumpy? My first flight I did fly with other missionaries, but none going to Indiana. When I got to Atlanta I met 3 more Spanish speaking Elders going to Indy so that was good. Cousin Miranda was not on the flight, I did not find her. There were missionaries waiting at the gate. It was a smooth flight for the most part, and I did get to talk to quite a few of the Spanish Elders. They asked me so many questions and they seem like a good bunch of kids, I am excited to see their progress.

How was it seeing the mission President?  Did he say anything noteworthy to you? 
It was nice to see the President again and his wife, when I first walked up they had a huge grin same with the assistants, and Sister Cleveland was just like AHH!! I want to hug you so bad!  I laughed and President Cleveland was his usual stalwart self, but he gave me a hug which was really unexpected haha.

How about Transfer meeting?  Did you see any Elders who are friends?  Were people excited to see you?  Who have you seen that I would know?
At transfers as Elder Golledge stood up and President said I have some amazing special news, his companion will be one of our favorites who has returned to us to serve again.  It is our amazing pleasure to have him again, Elder Paxman. So that was really cool. At transfers there were a lot of Elders that were really excited to see me. Namely Elder Rowberry (who is now my district leader) Elder Pendleton, Elder Larson, Elder Given, Elder Wolverton, Elder Twitchell, Elder Hansen and quite a few more. I didn't get to see Elder Hjelm, or Elder VanHaren, but I am sure I will before long. Tons of people were excited to see me, even one really cute sister who I don't know too well, I remember she came in the transfer I left. Sister Hunt I think was her name.

What did you do the first day there when you were at the mission home?  What did they feed you for dinner and did you have your appetite back? I didn't really have my appetite back and still don't. They fed us Cafe rio style salads and rice, so I ate rice haha. The first day they actually peeled me away from the new missionaries and put me with Elder Syrett's companion for the day! (Because Elder Syrett went home that same day.)So we hung out and did some stuff than got food from the mission home and I spent the night at his apartment. Also Elder Syrett called when he got home so I got to talk to him which was really nice.

What is your address?  What is your apartment like?  Make sure you are taking pictures! :) Are you in a car?  IF so what kind? MY address is 811 East 4th street Rd. Seymour Indiana. I don't know the zip code, you can probably look it up though. My apartment is really nice, probably the nicest one I have been in, although we have to pay out the mouth for laundry. We share a car and it’s a corolla.  So I am back on my piece of junk donkey steed for a bit.... I hate this bike with a fiery passion.

Did you buy a pillow and blanket?  Groceries?  What are you eating?   Have you been fed by any members yet? Oh before I forget I had to use personal funds the other day because my MSF hadn't been all worked out yet, although now I should be good. I bought a pillow, but no blanket yet, the sheets keep me plenty warm. Groceries: Grape juice for vitamin C and because I like it, Chocolate milk for weight gain, string cheese, frozen pizza, chips, sour cream, chip dip stuff, yogurt, milk, fruit loops, eggs 2 dozen, frozen meals 4 of them, blocked cheese, butter, bread, and laundry detergent. That's about it. We have been fed twice, the problem is we have no members in our area and the nearest ones are about 25 min. away!! Church is 45 min away so it is going to be a bugger to get people to come to church...

How do you feel about your new companion? So far I like Elder Golledge. He is from California and he loves Disney things. I did know him before.

Tell me about your area?  Is it Columbus?  Are you opening up a new area?  If so what is it like?  Ghetto or nice?  Details.  We actually opened a new area called Seymour, it is not a bad town, some areas are kind of ghetto, but not too bad.  I really like it, lots of farms all around. Lots of Hoosiers though, so we will see how things go, not too big so biking shouldn't be too brutal.

HOW IS YOUR SPANISH?!?!  Do you feel like you lost any or are you communicating just fine?  My Spanish is doing alright; I don't really feel like I have lost much of it, so that is nice. I can communicate pretty well, although at times I will forget how to say something.

Did you forget anything at home that you need me to send you? Just send me those books and an Aux cord for the speaker. Other than that I think I will be okay. I will let you know if that changes.

I told him that some of the people he had converted were so excited to hear he was coming back. That is so good that she was excited, the mission had actually changed regulations on calling converts so I got to call her the other night and talk to her which was amazing! They are planning on going through the temple on the 2nd of December!! They want me to go with! I will be so excited if I can go! Elder Cozzins my trainer, love that guy, it’s good to hear from him.

I really have no idea how long I will be in this area I am hoping I will be here for at least a few transfers. This next one will kind of let us know I think. It is possible I will kill off Elder Golledge in December, but I really have no idea. I already told you mostly about Elder Rowberry he is my district leader and is training a new missionary, and he is about a 40 min. drive from us. My week has been pretty good, really crazy we weren't able to move into our apartment until Saturday so we weren't really able to get any work done till then. Once we moved in, we have found two new people and taught three lessons. We have two investigators progressing as of right now, and we have a total of I think 5... So not very many at all, but that should change here soon. Church was awesome! I really like the branch, it is really tiny, and most of them speak English, but they are very loving and great people. The weather has gotten cold fast, Saturday it was in the 40's for a chunk of the day and then rose to the low 50s so it is going to be a cold winter I feel.

Honestly being back in the mission is much harder than the first time. I am more homesick, I tire more easy, and it is just really hard, but it is so worth it and I would not change a thing, even though at times I struggle, I have never really let that stop me in the past. The transition is still coming so hopefully it will get better.   I am hoping here in a few weeks I will be running at full speed again.  Being out here has made me realize that I am still not all the way healthy yet...

My first spiritual story, well I will share two, the first happened in a Zone meeting on Friday. We were having a discussion as a Zone and it was all on making our time worth it out here and being unified as a zone. For most of the meeting I had been relatively quite as usual, but I got the impression to share some thoughts, when they started talking about how we have this time in our lives to serve.  I said something like this. "You know... This is coming from personal experience, but you never know how much that tag on your chest is worth to you until it is taken away, and I am afraid none of you will know what that feels like till it is taken from you.  But I can tell you right now, that little black tag and your calling as a missionary will mean more to you than you can possibly imagine, so please make every day count, because like me, you may never know if you wake up tomorrow and are sent home." The room was deathly quiet until one of the Zone Leaders spoke up and said the spirit was so abundantly strong when I testified of that, and that he was grateful for me saying those words. I never realized and probably won't fully how many people have looked up to me with this decision to come back. Honestly, I don't know why they even do, I am just an ordinary kid... I struggle just like the rest, I suffer, I cry, I work, I do everything I can just as many others.  I am no different than those who will be reading this. We all have amazing potential and are capable of doing those things that are inspiring to others, because we all come from Heavenly Heights. So that was one story the other, was a personal one. I was pondering one day on the feelings of being a missionary, and I can distinctly feel the difference between being a missionary and not being one.  The mantel that is placed on us is so heavy but so rewarding. If I could impact anyone on my mission I would hope it would be those I serve with, if not everyone, because each missionary and person is designed for greatness. I realized the strength of the spirit we feel and experience as missionaries. So yep that was my week really.

Well I have written a really long email it feels like, so I will wrap up. I love you all so much and hope everything is going well at home.  I miss you all dearly and love you all with all my heart, and wish the very greatest and dearest of Heavenly Fathers blessings upon you no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. I hope to hear from you soon.

Love, tu misionero, Elder Paxman

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