Monday, April 27, 2015

9 Weeks to Serve: Singles Wards, Vultures and Tigers!

Dear Mom,

This last week though was a rough one for me mom that is for sure. Not as far as health goes, but motivation. I will get into that later, well and it wasn't that bad, just different than I am used to.

I told him that we had a serious hair crisis with some highlights for his sister. Hahaha, you women and coloring your hair. I am sure it did not look that bad. Plus if Bai were to just keep it natural it would look plenty cute I am sure.  I am sure it was a lovely mess of things; I can see it now... ooohhohooh freak mom, I am not looking forward to those antics and female drama again, and I am supposed to marry one of you weird creatures!! The excitement level for that just went down a few solid notches. ;-)

Your aunt told me that your Cousin Alex is very excited for his buddy to get home so you can hang out.  I am excited to hang with him when I get home.

Thoughts on taking less active cousins to the singles ward with you when you get home? Singles ward!! What makes you think I am going to that torturous place where happiness and souls go to perish? You know how outer darkness is never shown to man for very long, it is because it would be a singles ward, where you are the only single!! Which is what actually happens!!!! It is freaking insane!! You show up the first time and they give you this dinky flower/boutonniere  thingie;  that says one of two things. Either: "Here I am a nice hunk of fresh meat!!" (Now imagine a a deer shaking its butt at a hunter who intends to kill the thing with his bare hands) Freaky I know!!!! Or option number two, (Some voice calls from the background) “Did anybody ask for a reject!! Anyone! No well if you need to find him, look for the flower!" What is this Prom!!! Freak mom, I am not even home yet and you bring that terrible place up. I would give a full discourse on singles wards, but it would take too long. Okay so maybe that was a little exaggerated... It isn't all that bad, just a giant meat market with vultures and tigers. You want to scare someone away... Send them to the singles ward. After you get friends it is alright. Until then, freaking nightmare! Now like I said maybe exaggerated, but it won't be as bad if you are one of the people who actually has a girl to sit with. Then you aren't in the recall section. Which in the ward I went to was the middle. Anyway, enough about evil things. ;)   I think his description of singles wards is harsh… remember the only time he attended one he was home for medical from the mission and his heart wasn’t in it, and all of his friends were on missions.  The people in the ward were actually very nice to him.

There is going to be a pot luck type gathering in Indiana when we visit, would you be interested in attending this?  Many members from Elkhart and Indianapolis will be there plus other returned missionaries that are there to go the temple open house. That would be awesome!! Although are we invited? I do not want to crash someone else's party I would feel really bad. Although that would be awesome! Plus it would be great to see some of the old missionaries again. Although, I hope to see Elder Hjelm before then. He is busy I am sure, and might not be able to make it to my homecoming.

How has the work been this past week? We continue to pray for you and your investigators. Thank you for the prayers. As far as the work goes this week, nothing too crazy has come up. We are really trying to find, and to this point with no avail. So hopefully things will improve on that front. I would love to find, teach and baptize a family before the end of my mission. Margarita is doing alright; she is still in the same place as she was before. She is so close mom, I can feel it. I just do not know when it will happen for her. I hope and pray that I get to see that day while I am still out here.

We did teach an English class this weekend which went really well actually. So we are doing that every Saturday and are hoping that it will open plenty of doors. There is a fiancé of a member here that we are really trying to teach. He has a desire, it is small, I think he is scared and a little nervous, but he is a really good man. So we are really hoping and working with him. Also we did find 3 really cool guys last week. They are not super interested at this point, but they are willing to have us come back. So we are really working on establishing friendship with them. Yesterday we went and spent time with them, watched some of a good soccer game, and also just talked about their lives and just hung out. It was really nice. They have potential; it will just take some time.

Have you heard from the Diaz family lately?  Will you get to see them before you go home? We will see them when we go back in July? I have not heard from the D family, I need to give them a call sometime and see how things are going. Thank you for the reminder to give them a call. Yea when I go down for my last doc appointment here on the 17th I really hope to be able to see them one last time before I go home.

You mentioned doing yard work, was this service? Yea the yard work is just for service, it is not too bad and I don't mind it.

You said you are working on listing or where you make an index using a map and list all the Hispanic people on it.  Is this to help with tracting.  It will help those that follow you as well. Yea we hope it will really pay off for those whom will come after us, and that we can really have a good base to work from. This week we will be in Frankfort for about half of the week really trying to help that area grow. So I am really hoping that all that goes really well.

Do you like the Branch President in this area? I really like President Horton, he is a really nice guy and way down to earth. He also has a motorcycle. So that is awesome as well. He has been the Branch Pres for a good amount of time, I want to say a good 5 years or so, maybe less. He has a family our size. He has 2 sons and a daughter. They are a super nice family.

Did you know Natalia Coffin had gone to China to do some sort of Study abroad? I actually did know that. Elder Labrum served in White River not too long ago, and she left when he was there, or close too. So he mentioned it. That would be really a really cool experience, although I would like to go to somewhere in South America or Spain. I hope she is enjoying it.

So more onto the spiritual thought. I have been thinking a fair amount about desires. I will continue to do so, because I have just started at the end of this last week. Well I found some very interesting things. As I mentioned earlier, this last week was really hard for me to get motivated, I am not even entirely sure why. My desires to really teach were just not as strong as usual. Luckily I would just drag myself out anyway. So I realized something, and I knew it, because we had been taught this principle since we were little, but it had never come to me so strong. That is this; that God grants us according to our desires. When we truly have the desire, God gives us the ways and the means to accomplish the task or whatever it may be. Many times it is just by helping us to continue to have those great desires. The will of one person can change the course of the world, not to mention the lives of those around them. Now Agency will not be hindered in this of course. But our influence will spread far beyond what we know, as I have come to find out. Now with me being unmotivated, there were several things I did to try and help. One of which was to try my best to be happy and go out there and do it anyway. Sometimes we obtain a desire whilst in the middle of the journey. Another one is when your goal is in sight it is easier to obtain it. For example I suffer from what I call hiker's syndrome. As many people can testify once I get to my destination or some point along the trail and I see something better or another peak ahead, I immediately press on to go to that mountain. Now there will always be more mountains so usually someone has to stop me or something else dissuades me from the next adventure. Overall though if we pray to our  Heavenly Father to help us to have a righteous desire, whatever it may be, He will help us obtain it. To me this just shows the great love our Father in Heaven has for us. He loves us so completely that He is willing to answer our prayers and even give us small mercies. Heavenly Father in reality cares for each one of us, so deeply and tenderly He is willing to give us what we desire. Now if our desires are not pure, we are the workers of our own destruction. I was talking once with a companion about this and how he thought it would be at the last day. We discussed it for a while and we came to the conclusion that we will judge ourselves just as much as He will judge us. Now this isn't doctrine or anything just the thoughts of some young men when they are bored. Heavenly Father will never force us to do anything. So if we like to drink, and have "fun" that is what we will receive. As Alma said Wickedness never was Happiness. I have learned that Sin is never happiness, but as many people know it sure can be fun. That is what makes things so tempting, if sinning sucked than nobody would ever even have the temptation to do wrong things. Fun is momentary and not all the time bad, Happiness and joy last forever if we let them. They are those memories we can look back on with joy and peace, and yes sometimes this does include fun, but I think you get my point. Some of my greatest memories are with Dad; we have had so many great times together. Like the time we tried to go Dove hunting on our pretty much last weekend together. The trip went anything but as planned, but we made the best of it, and I doubt dad or I will forget that trip for many years to come. I guess all in all, God will grant us what we desire, those who desire riches work for them till the point they obtain them. Therefore in a roundabout way, God grants them what they desire, no this isn't like a genie wish or anything. Desire means you are willing to work for it, I believe that is the difference between desire and want. Desire like faith is a concept of action, wanting like belief often times requires very little effort, and a thing of the mind. Now I am not the greatest with words so if I explain something wrong I am sorry, I hope this helps someone though. Desires are great if they are based on those things that matter most, and are of "good report". They can also be hindering if they are after something that brings about bad consequences. In my experience this week though I learned that we can always obtain those good desires, sometimes they take work in and of themselves, but they will come if we are willing to work. Dad used to say stuff like All things come to a man that works. Of course I phrased it differently, but overall to have righteous desires is the start to living a happy and righteous life. Now we must use those desires to fuel our lives and help us be better.

Well my thoughts were probably all over the place, but that has been my thoughts over the last week or so, along with a ton of others of course. Well I love you mom and you and the fam and many others are in my prayers often. I am excited to talk with you in about 2 weeks!! It is crazy that the time has gone by so fast! Then after that, I will only have around 50 days till you see me in person 8/ not sure how good that sounds. Well I love you and I hope to hear from you next week!

Love, Elder Paxman

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