Monday, April 8, 2013


Dear Mom, 

Ok yes I have been getting all of your packages!!  You saw us on the Conference thing!!! That’s awesome! Yeah that was probably him wearing his goofy fake glasses, he is such a dork, he thinks it makes him look more like Clark Kent.... (this was his reply to me asking him if the Elder next to him in the footage we saw was his companion)  

Spanish is coming ok definitely hard but fun. We speak some Spanish to each other, but most of the time it is English except when we are in class. What really stinks is the last 4 days or so I have been way sick.  My companions finally forced me to go to the doctor.... :( and he said I have a pretty bad upper respiratory infection.  He is making me take like 6 different meds... it bites.  When I first saw him I was running a fever of 102 so that wasn’t that good, but I’m slowly... very slowly getting better. 

Someone said that you should call my blog "Onward to Indiana" because of the song and well it sounds catchy.  Yeah no friends have written me. I have ran into probably 20 plus people I know.  I saw Drew, Kenzie, Cameron, Christina, Chalene, Jevin and Kenny Marse!!! Which was awesome.  Cameron’s class is like 5 doors down so I see him every once in a while. 
I might send more than one e-mail to you because I have to go pick up more prescription meds. In the other I will include stuff to everyone else, but otherwise everything is going really good. I had several favorite talks and moments during conference.  One of my absolute favorite talks was in Priesthood session and it was by Robert D Hales, and then one on Saturday by a guy named Cardon. They were both really really good I also liked all of the Presidencies talks. We had a really cool devotional yesterday after Conference... Vocal Point came and sang a bunch of songs and talked.  It was really neat. I am also DL (District Leader) now which is kind of cool. It has been fun here (besides being sick). Conference in the MTC was pretty much the same as it is at home. Sit and watch and sneak in snacks ha ha. Other than that it is the exact same.  

Our investigators our going well except it seems they are all drinkers which really really bites ha ha. Well I will probably send you another e-mail, but I have to go get the Meds. 


Elder Paxman (Ben)

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