Monday, April 15, 2013

Eight more days in the MTC

This is the first picture we have of Elder Paxman since we dropped him off at the MTC nearly five weeks ago.  And it came via my niece Sister Rachel Merritt.  I am so glad she had this taken.

The remainder of my week was great.   I am feeling tons better.  

(I sent him a package with a desert he really likes and asked if the package arrived intact) The PB frosts made it ok, a little damaged but still tasting the same, and they loved them.  I only got like 2 because it was like a swarm of vultures. But, I saved the candy for myself.  

(Our bishopric asked me to get his favorite scripture from him for his plaque) My favorite scripture!!!! There are simply too many, I will try and get you one in my hand written letter with the SD card in it.  

(I asked about the Kenzei he referred to in his last letter, wondering if it was the one I knew, also if he had seen his cousin Rachel who arrived in the MTC on Wednesday) No it was not Kenzie Belnap, it was a different one that I saw here.  Yes I saw Rachel and my companion was there, and he thinks she is amazingly attractive... The Goober. 
The Spanish is going pretty good I can convey most things I want in the lesson so that is good.  I can speak all Spanish in a day and get what I want across at least most of the time anyways.  

(I told him that Bailee, Kyle and I had a Pride and Prejudice marathon on Saturday and watched the BBC six hour version)  Ok that movie.... I could go for a movie right now, and I still wouldn't watch that movie.  

(I also asked him if he has been able to be a host to a new incoming missionary yet, or if he will)  I haven't taken part in being a host yet, if I do it will be sometime this week.  

8 days left till I leave the MTC and if you want me to call it will be at like 530 in the morning... So it is up to you, but you need to let me know before Thursday. (Like I care what time it is, silly boy)  

(He requested Bouncy Balls a few letters ago, we asked him what they have been doing with them?) The bouncy balls, we haven’t done too much... Broke a Light, that wasn't me though.... ummmm lots of stuff, mostly just goof off with them though.  

(I asked if the empty two bunks in his room had been filled, and also if he was given Spanish Scriptures and Preach My Gospel)No I have not received any more roommates yet, and we won't either. Yes, they did give me Spanish Scriptures and PMG.   I use them both, mostly the scriptures though I am trying to memorize D&C 121 7,8 in Spanish, as well as the first vision.  It is difficult!! 

In my last package I want a bunch of candy, mostly PEZ and Hi-Chews, also lots and lots of quotes, good ones too. I also need more note cards for studying, the work ones not the fancy ones.  

Other than that things are going amazingly here. I am way excited to leave to Indiana.  We finally got our travel plans and it makes me so excited just simply looking at them. Although, I will be sad so see everyone leave when we all leave from the MTC. Well I have to go change over my laundry so I will let you go, but I will hand write a letter this week so I can get you the S.D. card. 

With much love
Your Son, Elder Benjamin Paxman  


Life here is going good.  I am feeling a lot better since last week.  Not much has changed here... Except I did get my travel plans!!!!!!!!! I have to be at the travel office at 4 A.M.!!!!!!! I am so excited. We spent the last forever jumping up and down like small children.  It was kind of awesome.  My flight leaves at 7:15 a.m. so it is going to be around 5:30a.m.  if you want to hear from me on the phone.  Let me know if you do because I have to buy a pre-paid card.   I also will have to pay 70$ in baggage and then 200$ in emergency funds just in case.  

The peanut squares made it semi-intact, all my roommates loved them. The hi-chews were awesome, especially the grape ones,  it was great.  I need only really one thing and that is quotes, really good ones preferably presidents, great men, creeds, anything pretty much.  Some funny ones would be goo too.  There is one by Theodore Roosevelt, that Kennedy gave in his Inaugural speech and it was amazing.  I want it.  

I am dying to get to Indiana.  I am so excited, although I am still the only Missionary I have met going to Indiana Spanish Speaking!!! So that is going to be very very interesting. The spring weather is great here.... well when it is here anyway. How are all the Fireman, I was thinking about them the other day. Thank you for the letter in the package I loved it. Oh and the PEZ I have been the envy of everyone with those things, so you should send more of those.  I also need my mission address.  I don't have it to give to other people so I will need that. Other than that things are going amazing. 

Everyone is a little sad thinking about leaving because we all have gotten really really close to one another, and only a few of them live in Utah.  We all want to at least try and get together when we all come back.  

Well I will let you go, have fun on your trip and I can't wait to hear from you afterwards.   8 days left till I leave. I am freaking out.  I will leave you with one of my favorite sections of scripture, it is D&C 11. Read it and I hope you love it as I do. 

With all my Love, Your Son
Elder Benjamin Paxman.

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