Monday, June 10, 2013

Demonic Hounds

Hey Bai,

It sounds like an awesome birthday, I am glad it was a lot of fun, but man it seems like you got spoiled for your birthday hahaha (teasin). So not a whole lot is new here in the mission just the work of the lord and how it progresses at an unreal rate. 
Man I miss Amusement rides, but that’s ok, I hope you go to Lagoon and tell me how it is.  Make sure and get dad to ride the tilt o whirl for good times sakes and for me!!  

(Bailee and Kyle have been redoing an old table for their apartment) That is cool about the table I am excited for the pictures and stuff. I like the quotes keep sending them. Kyle sounds like a pretty good cook hahaha, that is a valuable skill to have.  My companions like me for it, because I like making breakfast food when we have time.  

It was hot here as well like 88 with 95% humidity it was killer. I have a good story for this week. So we were tracting in a trailer park where a bunch of Hispanics live and all of the sudden like a little Scottish Terrier looking dog about the size Ceaser used to be... Anyway it comes up and starts just barking and growling at us, when all of the sudden like 3 more show up, then they get a little bold and start attacking Elder Mcdaniel (the visa waiter) but, it wasn’t over, while me and Elder Cozzens are laughing all of the sudden about 9 more of the little devils show up and start attacking and biting all of our shoes and ankles.  We can't do much so we freak out and start sprinting away.  It probably looked like a scene out of a movie, three missionaries sprinting down this street in a mad dash and like 12 rabid midget dogs chasing after us... We finally got to the car and jumped on top, it was ridiculous, little demonic hounds!! Anyway that is my story for this week. I hope everything goes really well with your jobs and everything else, stay strong and have fun in Utah, enjoy the mountains because it is stinking flat here.... Oh and I have 2 quotes to end too. 

"I have spent my days stringing and unstringing my instrument, while the song I came to sing remains unsung"      -Tagore 

I thought you would like that one, but guessed you have heard it already. This one is one of my favorites I have found on my mission (the next one) and it holds a lot of wisdom in kind of blatant words...

"Hell is paved with good intentions."
             -Samuel Johnson 

Anyway, Love you so much Bai and have a great Week
       Love, Elder Paxman


I have discovered something very interesting, you and I are very service oriented people... My companions are kind of chickens about it.  For instance this week we came upon a lady who was stranded in an intersection where her car died, I told him to pull over we needed to help, I then had to convince them for like 5 minutes to get some courage and come help me. So after they still didn't move much I gave up and ran out there (once it was safe) and started to push alone, which wasn’t going all too great, after about one minute they finally came out and helped... I then realized that you have taught me so much about service and how big of a part of my life it is, as well as our families, and I just wanted to thank you for that. Also, for being that amazing example to me, as you have always been. Anyway I will let you go, but I love you so much and stay safe and give it everything you got.  

Anyway, I love you so much and you are always in my prayers.

With all I have, your son, Elder Paxman 


(I will preface his letter with a little information..I sent him letter telling him about our plans for the next few weeks, and telling him that if it makes him homesick to hear us doing stuff he loves, I will start leaving it out)

FREAK!!!!!! You wait till I leave to do all the cool stuff geeze.... Just teasin, I love hearing about all of that stuff because it lets me know what is going on, and no, it doesn’t make me homesick at all. Kyle will have a blast with the Fireman, I miss doing that, it is like hanging out with a bunch of goofy uncles and the fam. Man and Yellowstone! Geeze, well 7 brides for 7 brothers is a must see, I love that musical, and I am indifferent on the other but I would probably go with Dad hahaha.  The Paxman reunion sounds awesome, you will definitely have to let me know how that one goes and tell everyone Hi for me.  I have been wanting to write the Gublers and Grandma but it is hard to get time to write... 

(I also told him that his sister had a really scary bout of stomach pain, that almost took her to the ER. And that it reminded me of him being bent over in pain, and that these kids of mine are going to put me in the grave from worry, all said jokingly) Poor Bai tell her I pray for her and hope everything is going to be ok. I am really sorry for all the stress I have caused with my health stuff over the years.  I never liked being a hassle on anyone especially you and Dad at those times in my life.... maybe it is her appendix... anyway.  

My week has been great not anything really interesting... We have new investigators we range about 5 new ones a week but the difficulty is keeping them.  We have to remember a lot of them are here just for work and then go back to wherever they are from, which is really quite hard.  So they work a ton. We meet a bunch of good people but they are never there for 2nd appointments. The work overall is going good, I love it more and more each day. As far as the three of us getting along hahaha, Elder McDaniel and I get along very well, but Elder Cozzens and I bash quite a bit. It drives me insane, because I just try to be peaceable which seems to add to the fire. Overall we are developing great friendships between one another, and continue to do so daily. I did like Elder Johnston a lot he was awesome, but everything comes with time and happens for a reason. We get along great really though, there are just the few minor things. Yes me and Elder Johnston keep in contact.  We email each other usually once a week, we have missed the past 2 though.  It’s been busy and a bunch of stuff pops up not allowing us to email for like our full time.  

I have actually had the chances to get very close to this mission President and I will be very sad when they leave.  Sister Collins reminds me of you a lot in some ways, but not in others of course.  One she cries a lot hahaha.    ;)     So yea I will be very sad when he leaves, but I am excited for the new one to come and just to see how things will change,  because we honestly have no idea what so ever.  

My health is still doing fine. (Our youth are hiking Ensign peak this week) That sounds awesome about Ensign Peak, I don’t think I have hiked it actually...... I have no clue, a lot of times I don’t know if I have hiked a certain trail or not till I start on the journey. I have received the letter from Aunt Brenda.  I am trying to write back but it is very difficult with time.  I did get a letter from Garrett which was awesome! So I have to end because I need to email some other people too.  I love you so much and sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell a story, ask bai for the one I told her it was going to be the one I included to you anyway. I love you all so much stay safe and follow the will of the Lord for his is always the best way.

John 3:16 we use this scripture a lot and I love it 

Love your son Elder Paxman

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