Monday, June 24, 2013

Small Bumps in the Road

A few hours after I posted this blog, Linc received an email from Ben...So I edited and added.  Sorry if you read it before the addition of Dad's letter and the title change.

A Note from Mom:  We heard from Elder Paxman’s mission president this past Saturday and were informed that he is having some fairly serious problems with his stomach.  I was also able to talk with Ben myself.  After a lot of discussion, it has been decided that Elder Paxman will see a GI in Indiana and see if they are able to treat him, so that he can function fully as a missionary.  His desire is to remain in Indiana and continue serving the Lord.  I will keep you updated on his health.  Keep him in your prayers. 

Dear Mom, 

I like the two quotes you sent by Elder Richard G. Scott.  He is one of my favorite apostles.  Anyway yes I have been feeling better today and yesterday, we also worked a little Saturday. Anyway, today I find out when the Doctor appointment is.  

Thank you for everything you have done on my behalf, but I am fine. I am not a big fan of public announcements on my behalf.... Anyway thank you. It was hard the first day when it all kind of happened, but I realized something through much prayer, study and consultation.  Often missionaries and people say I will follow the Lord's will, but when push comes to shove they don't. I realized that although at first my thoughts were I would despise to the extreme if they sent me home, but, I learned something profound, (to me anyway). If I were to be sent home, I would accept it, because it is the Lords will if it does happen.  Health wise I have been doing better since yesterday. I still get bad pain in small bursts like those cramps I used to get, so I think it is Bacterial stuff, but we will see.

In all my thinking I remembered something someone said to me, it was something like this. "Many people fulfill their missions in 2 years but a select few finish theirs in a much shorter time, this was astounding to me when I first heard it. Anyway I am doing good, I was upset when I called you but that is only because I had all of 15 min to even think about all of it. Things on the mission are good otherwise.  Elder McDaniel and I get along very very well.  We have still been able to teach a good amount this week despite the sickness. Other than that not much has changed on the mission... Oh before I move on to the next thing though, something else I read, it was something like: "we come on our mission to saves souls and bring others unto Christ often times we forget, despite maybe only getting one baptism or teaching very little, often times the only soul we save and bring to Christ is our own." I have definitely seen that on my mission.  

Palisades looks like it was way fun, there isn’t too much I miss on my mission, Camping and the outdoors is a huge one, Family is another, and another one that surprised me was Music, haha but I don't miss them that much haha. The Kayaks are way fun I am glad that you finally rode one because they are so much fun. I loved the pictures!! The last one reminds me of those trips on the road so much, because that is what would happen half of the time. (It was a picture of the kids sound asleep in the truck) I am excited to hear about Yellowstone.  I don't want to take too long I still have to write quit a few others. Oh and sorry I didn't get a letter to you last week, I feel way bad. Anyway Mom I love you all so much and be safe but have so much fun. I can't wait to hear back next week. 

Love, Elder Paxman

Dear Dad,
That does sound like a very busy week, but lots of fun too. That is good that Grandma Paxman is doing better, because I was a little worried about her health. Anyway, I am glad you and the fam are getting to do all of this wonderful stuff. 

I liked the small bumps in the road analogy you sent me, and I have expanded it a lot but I will just share a bit with you. Those small bumps in the road of life are an interesting thing, and I have noticed that if you slow down and take them focusing solely on the bump it seems much bigger, but if you take it head on with a little more speed and faith, it passes by, and is remembered only as a pleasant memory. My companions think I am nuts because I am not freaking out or anything, and that I am very positive, they say that they would be having a mental breakdown. It did happen for a bit till I got a grip and pondered and prayed. Anyway other than that all things press forward in the work of the Lord.  

I want you to read something, we recite it every once in a while and I love it. It is called “The Standard of Truth”, if you can't find it I can always type it out for you next week. I have it memorized now.  

I do not know when my appointment with the GI is but it will come in due time I feel.  

We got to watch a cool broadcast on Sunday called the “Work of Salvation”, if you didn’t get a chance to watch it you should it was amazing. Many things have been shooting around in my mind, but not in a frantic way, but in a very peaceful yet rapid manner. I am actually not all that stressed as I thought I would be. Oh one thing that I am very anxious for and nervous for is exchanges!! It is just me and a Zone leader today in my area, so it is going to be very interesting, but exciting. I am so excited for when I am done training! I have loved it but I can't wait to be done. Anyway things here are going good besides the health stuff and even with that, I’m still going strong.  

If you can for a family thing sometime this week, and if you can on the 27th I think it is... Watch the “Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration” movie, on the day of his Martyrdom.  I really like this movie and it has helped me truly realize how much Joseph Smith has done for this great cause. I had Exchanges with the DL last week, it was probably one of the best times on the mission so far. The spirit dwells well with me and Elder McDaniel.  

I love you all so very much and you are all in my prayers on a multi-daily bases. I love you so much and I hope everything goes great. 

Love, your only son, Elder Paxman  
The quotes I included in my letter to Elder Paxman:

“Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your every lasting benefit.”
― Elder Richard G. Scott
"I have seen valiant missionaries brave icy wind, resist torrential rains, slosh through slippery, muddy streets, and conquer fear. Often they bear a powerful testimony, only to be rejected and roundly criticized. I have seen them struggle to communicate truth in a new language. Sometimes the listener stares in puzzled silence. Then there dawns the shattering realization that the message is not understood. But I wouldn't change any of it, even if I could, because there are those golden moments of success that make all of the hardships worthwhile. Such rewards come when the Spirit touches a heart for eternal good because someone like you was there. To share truth in difficult circumstances is to treasure it more. When you push against the boundaries of experience into the twilight of the unknown, the Lord will strengthen you. The beauty of your eternal soul will begin to unfold."
~Elder Richard G. Scott


Kyle said...

Wow, he is SO amazing and positive! I know everything will work out the way its supposed to. thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

We are still praying for Ben. I hope he is doing better, and can get some help/relief from the dr. I know the Lord will be with him, no matter what. Please pass our love onto him, and I'll get a letter off to him soon. We love him, and hope for the best for him always!

-Jana said...

He IS an exceptional young man. So mature sounding for his age! He is in our prayers, too. And I love the quotes you included at the end. Beautiful!