Monday, September 16, 2013

It's the 9th Inning

Dear Mom,

Ok, first before reading the whole letter, I need those medical papers and stuff from you because my doctor appointment is this Thursday...

Bro. Jesus and sister Ivonne are doing well, sister I. told us she knows the Book of Mormon is true, but Jesus hasn't found that yet and is struggling with the word of wisdom.  We gave him a blessing and are really trying to help him with that. It feels OOBER weird being 6 months old, I am older than over half of the other missionaries... We didn’t do anything special but we are going to TGI Fridays today to kind of celebrate.  It is way weird to think it has gone by so fast yet at times it feels as it is dragging.  Like I said before, they say the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days, this is very true.

The past week in the mission has been the same.  The last 3 days have been really nice, weather like mid 60's it is wonderful. The Zone Conference was really good, we talked about really teaching the Restoration to members as well as really using the pamphlets. Also, to really focus on people’s needs and not so much the lesson plans, which is good because I am a lot better at addressing needs than doing the lesson plans. The spirit there was amazing as always and yet there was a sense of emergency because it is really coming into the 9th inning so too speak... My favorite part of those kinds of meetings is the departing testimonies.  This is when the departing missionaries who are getting ready to leave  bear testimonies, to feel those elders spirit and their testimony is amazing, although it is sad to see some go who I have started to build relationships with. But it is also the next step, so it is good in the same way too.

The mission is strengthening my testimony, pretty much in every way possible, it is amazing, it grows daily and to feel the power fill the room when you bear testimony is something almost out of this world and it makes me so excited to do it all again the next day. My Spanish is coming along good, I can communicate but I still struggle here and there. Overall though the mission has made my testimony grow by leaps and bounds.  (I shared with him some things from our Regional Conference on Sunday that Elder Nelson and Elder Packer shared)  Those 9 points are very central and something that I have become very anchored to, one of the largest to me is the Atonement of Jesus Christ which includes Gethsemane, Golgotha and his resurrection. Through the Atonement it makes everything thing else possible.  I really like what Elder Packer said it reminds me of a talk Holland gave a while back called "the enemy of my soul" He says in it something like this "We must be determined in saying, I will give place no more... To the enemy of my soul..." It is a really good and powerful talk and one of my favorites as are most of Elder Holland’s. We actually talked about angels in our lives in Zone Conference also, because our mission transfer scripture is D&C 84: 84, (Therefore, let the morrow take athought for the things of itself) and 88. 88 which is one of my favorite scriptures of all time and I am glad I now have it memorized. (And after your atestimony cometh wrath and indignation upon the people.) It has been a big thing in my life I feel, the whole Angels topic, they say often our Angels are people that have passed on and watch us from the other side.  I instantly thought of Grandpa Paxman, for some reason, also because of the very spiritual experience me and Dad had in the temple my first time... I will let dad tell you that story if we haven’t already. I don’t feel like I know much about him so I am going to have dad send me stuff about him.

(I told him of a story Elder Packer told in Conference)That is a way cool story I have never heard it before, I like that a lot.

The Old Man is finally Engaged.. old Kenster!!!!!!!! Man I can't believe it why does he have to get married when I am gone too, Dang that is just unfair right there.... And Annie what the heck is going on, I am only 6 months out these people can't be getting married already that is just not kosher, and definitely no children or pregnancy that would just be too weird!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Mom I am too young for this stuff yet it makes me feel oh so very old..... Oh I also want you to tell me of the people who are getting engaged like Kenzie Belnap, Katy King and all those people from home.

That is not good about the flooding in the house, I hope it didn’t do a whole lot of damage or anything... That is great that Rachel is going back out, I was really hoping she would, it will bless her for life’s great adventures ahead.... like marriage...:/ If she gets married like before I get home I will be super sad.... Brooklyn liking a guy, hijole!! that is not good, tell her boys are evil at heart until the age 17 then they get a little better... But still not much. And geeze are you just dumping information on my fragile missionary mind!!!!! You are supposed to let me wade in the water first not chuck me into the deepest and coldest part!!!!! Freak man!!! Just teasing I like to hear about home!! That is great you saw the Abel's, tell Garrett if you can, well you need to, to email me.  We are getting more time on the computers but that means less time for writing so it is a lot easier to email me instead.  He wrote me but I haven’t been able to respond and I feel super bad.

I haven’t gotten the medical stuff, but it might be there today.  I have exchanges so I won’t be back to my apartment till tomorrow night...  No the times I have been allowed to call home doesn’t make me homesick.  It sounds weird to say but I am not homesick at all, even when I think about home I am not even close to homesick, haha.

Frozen meals and such are my best friend out here and as I was getting in the shower this morning I had a visible six pack!!  I was oh so very excited, but it probably won’t last very long. I eat Eggs lots of those, and cereal that is about my diet, oh and string cheese lots of that, it is a healthy ish snack for me.

To find investigators we thump doors, although in the next 6 months we are supposed to be getting technology to do some of that stuff. We had a big branch activity here for the first time ever, which was good.  We had a good turnout with also non-members so we got some referrals and it was way fun. I am like the best at the game called Taps, dad will know what that is.We have a service project on Wednesday where we are translating for parent teacher conference so that is going to be interesting and a real test on my Spanish. 

My health has been good so it should be interesting with the doctor’s appointment.  Well I love you all so much and I hope everything goes well at home and keep me posted on people and get people to email me.  I feel lonely sometimes, my companion gets 50 plus per P-day.... It’s ridiculous... Well Love you so much and I can't wait to hear from you next week.

Love, Elder Paxman

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