Monday, July 1, 2013


A Note from Mom:  After some discussion with the Mission President it was decided that they would put me in charged of finding a GI in Indiana for Elder Paxman to see.  This felt like a daunting task.  But Heavenly Father was watching out for us again, and through prayer, love, family and friends we received the recommendation we needed.  Elder Paxman has been accepted as a patient by one of the best Adult GI's in the states.  He just happens to practice at the University of Indiana. However, as you know these kinds of Doctors are not easy to get into.  So, Elder Paxman wont be consulting with him until September 19th.  Keep him in your prayers that he will remain healthy enough to serve the lord fully while waiting for this opportunity to meet with an amazing Doctor. As of today, as you will read, he is feeling much better and doing well. Thanks to everyone for their love, support and prayers in Elder Paxman's behalf.

Dear Mom,
I would rather be doing this than anything else in the world.  Find a Preach my Gospel, go to the chapter on Christ like attributes and look under humility, faith, and hope. These are the three that my companions told me I have what they call a "plentitude" of. They are also some of my favorites Christ like attributes along with all the others this is just one of my favorite sections in PMG.
With the change of the mission President, it has actually been pretty much close to the same, although this week we get to meet him, he came this last Friday. I think it won't be a big change till the Transfers on the 17th, then some more of his things will swing in, and if he trains some more then too. But as for right now that isn’t the case because the AP's are doing a lot of it, I think.
My health has been a lot better, I'm really just watching what I eat.  The big thing I did was just become more outspoken, because before they would feed us like 3 portion sizes and I could barely eat 1. Something interesting though, I came out on my mission weighing about 178.  In the MTC I got up to 185 and now from working out more and eating very little if nothing because of my health I have dropped to 173 oh yea!! I am now lookin good hahaha.
I know those CD's are sooooo goood. One question though... Where are mine!!!! You were supposed to send that stuff to me!!!!! I wanted those things and your kiffen them hahaha. (he is referring to us telling him we had listened to some CD’s by Nashville Revival and that we loved them.  We have sent him one called “The Work” which he requested.  He wants the others.) I am so glad to be done with the training period, I only have 2 more weeks and I can't wait. Although, I will miss my companions.
The temperature there seems crazy, here it has been in the high 90's with a butt ton load of humidity.  I don't sweat very much at home, even after an intense hike or something, but here we get about down one street and all of us are swimming in our own sweat.... It bites, but I am getting more used to it. Although, since yesterday it has been raining like a fizz, it is awesome, I love the rain.  It cools things off and it is when a lot of the people don’t have work because the construction stops.
Well things have been pretty normal here, our companionship finally resolved some issues and the spirit has been so strong with us!!! We have had some awesome lessons. But I won’t really include those in this letter, because I have already taken almost 20 minutes to read and respond.   So far I don't know of all the celebrations or what not that are going on around me on the night of the fourth.   I know  they are having us do weekly planning at  5-9 that day to keep us inside instead of doing it in the mornings. Other than that it is just a normal day. Your  plans sound fun though. I bet Bai is excited to live in her new place. The trip to Yellowstone sounded way fun, and you didn’t see many animals because I wasn’t there hahaha animals love me, except Pit bulls, here those... not so much. Elder Cozzens is deathly afraid of Dogs, but he likes the nice ones. Why didn’t you get in the water at firehole, I would have been in, in like 5 seconds, but that is also because I can't right now haha. Tell Brooklyn the braces aren’t bad just to eat something really chewy as soon as she can, like hi-chews or laffy taffy, and lots of it. It will help a lot with the pain. Girl’s camp sounds way fun though, are you doing anything real different this year or not so much?? And I will be anxiously waiting for the snail mail...
Have dad read this email and tell him I am getting ready to send some snail mail to him, probably Wednesday, or sometime.
I really like the Second quote you sent me. You and dad should get a PMG (Preach my Gospel) and read through it TOGEHTER and discuss it. Anyway, that is about it from the mission, not too much exciting or funny stories, except our apartment has no water pressure!!  It takes like 5 min in the shower to get wet and then if someone turns on the sink or flushes the toilet it doesn’t even really come out. :/.  Something neat,  all the missionaries sang “Come Come Ye Saints”  in Spanish this last Sunday, all the members loved it and we only practiced it once like 4 min before, it was awesome.
Well I have to wrap up so I have time to write some other people too, I love you so much Mom and thanks for all that you do and have done for me, I feel like I haven’t said that enough. I hope you have a great week and I will wait to hear from you next Monday. Love you all so much.
Your Dearest Son, Elder Paxman

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