Monday, March 17, 2014

Hope and Faith

This picture was shared by Elder VanHaren's mom to me via facebook.
The caption read:  Mean Man thuggin' with Elder Paxman. I'm Rockin' the classy slim purple.
 Paxman's got the stellar OKC Thunder "K Durrant Whaddup"!!
I have know idea what any of that means and i don't think Elder VanHaren's mom does either. :)

Dear Mom,

So I have been dying to ask you if you got your package.  Did you like your new Spanish Scriptures?  Don’t throw those out you will want to save them. Yes mom, I did indeed get my package, and I really liked the case you made for me, and I might need you to make another one, but a different size.  I really liked my scriptures and also the package, everything was great in them! I am going to keep using my old Spanish Scriptures I have as well, so I will not get rid of them don't worry.

How did you celebrate your year mark?  Did you burn anything? Did you do exchanges on the Purdue campus, how did they go? Okay now to celebrate my year mark we did a few things, first we spent all that day at Purdue so actually I didn't get my package till the next day.  Our neighbor dropped it by, she had picked it up because she didn't want it to get stolen. While we were on Purdue we went to BW's (No idea what BW is?)One of the greatest places ever!! Mainly because we hear real music and watch sports bahahaha, I know I am terrible..... Campus was awesome though I used to be terrified of it because It is harder for me to talk to people that are my same age for some reason, but it went really well and if I was to ever serve there I would be a happy camper. It is fun, the only problem is that I would not really be speaking Spanish and I would have to be a ZL which to my knowledge is not going to be happening anytime here soon. Thank Goodness...

Will you or your companion be transferred this week?  As far as transfers go I think one of us is getting transferred which will most likely mean me, but we will find out here next week

What did you buy at JC Penny for 81.00?  I saw this on your personal debit card. Oh the 81 dollars was a few things, a gift for my companion, a new shirt, and a gift for an investigator for her birthday, so yea I totally forgot about that... sorry. [:{)

Dying to know what you sent to the stranger whose email you thought was Kenzie? Was it embarrassing? Luckily I did not write anything stupid or embarrassing on the random dudes email.

Did you get her corrected email address I sent with your package?  Was it different than the one I emailed originally? Yes there was a difference in the emails one had some numbers on the end and the other didn't.

Do you ever use gel in your hair anymore?  Just curious. Ha ha. Do I ever use gel in my hair anymore..... Ay mi madre, claro que si!!!! Yes mom I still do, goodness gracious if it isn't one thing it is another hahaha.

What food do you eat the most that you make for yourself? Things I eat often are instant mashed potatoes that I can microwave, another is Cereal, but not just any cereal, they are freaking Captain Crunch Berries with freaking MARSHMALLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is awesome!! Also, eggs and hash-browns, and last but not least quesadillas with bologna. So yea.... I have not gained weight though, except maybe in rippling muscle!!

I saw that in your mission page that they had a district/zone meeting somewhere that was March Madness/basketball based.  Are you guys having that as well? He didn’t even answer this question. :/

What was this costume zone thing you mentioned, and what did you dress as?  Did you take picture? ... I dressed as a pimp from the 80's, well not really just a fancy man and yes I got pics. hahahaha

I can’t believe that in a few months you will be teaching Brooklyn to drive, hahahaha I can remember how stressed you were with me, now imagine that with her BAHAHAHAHAHA!! I wish I could be there in the back seat just rolling haha. I know she is going to be driving soon and by the time I get home she will almost have her license!!  

Lincoln and Kyle went and saw the movie he said a member recommended in the last letter.  I am now really jealous that they got to see that movie, haha little buggers.

A friend of mine recommended two places in Indiana that her husband and son love.  I told him he should try them sometime.  Ok I don't mean this mean against your friend, but I have had White Castle.......Stinking Bat Crap Nasty man that place was disgusting, I never want to eat there again, who knows maybe it was just a bad day, but it tasted terrible!!! And Pizza King I will have to try, I have never eaten there. There are a couple of awesome restaurants here in Logansport, like B&K, It is awesome!!  When we come back we will be eating here.  

Spring weather is not even here yet, we have had about 3 days above 40 and that’s it, so we will see, this week is supposed to be in the 50's. There is talk that  they think we will have a drought or a really bad summer this year..... yay

I really like the story that Elder Cook shared, it just goes to show that the spirit will work in many different ways, and if we but heed to the call we can see many blessings follow. Mom I do not think that your letters are too long; it just makes me feel loved haha. I made up the Juan faces myself, I know they pretty sweet, but I was bored one day and thought about them haha.

So this week’s little spiritual note is on Hope. This week I learned a lot on Hope.  We had some times when it was like I just wanted to find the nearest table and flip it! (an expression we use) it drove me insane and also moments that were amazing and I wanted more of them. Anyway it brought to my mind that you don't just hope for things in the future, but also things that have already come to be and that you are doing right now. I feel often times in my head I am asking the question "I really hope this works..." Now sometimes it does and sometimes not, but the hope and the faith it took to make that decision makes all the difference in my eyes. Also it has helped me realize how in reality, how hopeful I was as a young boy and still am now. I feel sometimes I am one of those people that just hope for best and looks for the silver lining even if I never end up finding it. I feel it is what keeps me moving forward, the thought of a brighter day or a happier second or the hope that I learned what I was supposed to the day before. I truly believe that this life would be utterly pointless if we did not have Hope even to the slightest degree in our lives. So anyway lots of thoughts on that throughout this week that will continue into this week. Other than that not much has happened this week besides we had exchanges, first with Elder VanHaren early in the week, then on Purdue and then with the Assistants!! It was a crazy week, I taught a hilarious lesson with a man under the influence of alcohol, where the spirit actually touched his heart even if it was only for a moment, but we never know whose lives we will touch today so might as well try and touch as many as possible and just hope that something we say or do will stick and if not at least you have the hope and knowledge that you tried. Well I am running behind and have to get going.   I love you all so much and hope you have a great week, let me know of any questions you have in particular even if you just take a poll from all the wonderful people who read my blog hahaha.  Well I love you guys and hope that all continues to go well and that we may all follow the Lord's will, anyway love you and hope to hear from you soon.

Love, Elder Paxman


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