Monday, March 10, 2014

[:{) Juan loves you too! ONE YEAR THIS WEEK!!

*A few pieces of his letters to Dad and Bailee this week:
Dear Dad,
Mom writes sometimes too good of letters, but I am glad she does it makes me feel like home still isn't far away and that I am not missing two years of everybody’s life if that makes sense. Anyway I will keep it short, this week was good and all is well out here.  We have one investigator preparing for baptism in April so we are hoping they will be ready by then, but we shall see. Man the mission is going by way too fast though and wish it would slow down, but yet don't because than my guess is it would mean that the mission doesn't mean as much, because of the old saying you know "time flies when you are having fun" So as long as I get to live it the best I can right?
Te quiero y ojala que todo esta bien aya pero vamos a perseverar antonces, nos vemos en un ratito.
con amor, tu hijo, Elder Paxman
Dear Bailee and Kyle,
 I am still just your goofy younger brother that thinks things are "all good" and still uses his Stitch impression on occasion. haha. I do love the mission though so much, and I am sad to see it be half over... Spring Break!! I wish it were that here hahaha I think it is more of just another winter break it seems we are supposed to get some more snow on Wednesday. Be sure to enjoy the sunshine and fun for me too! Thanks it is interesting that a year has already flown by; I wish it wouldn't go so fast, but yet it is nice at the same time, because it generally means I am loving it, if you know what I mean? I'm glad you like my Juan faces,  I do love the Juan faces they make me chuckle, ha ha.  Oh and my spiritual thought of this week is on time, I have found that if we love something and want it deeply enough we will MAKE time for it. Also that time should not be our enemy as something wished to be obtained and to have back again, but our friend to remind us of the past, help us live the present, and push us into the future. For me it is hard to see this sometimes, but when I do it, it’s really nice and makes life a little easier to tackle at times
Love, Elder Paxman
[:{) Juan loves you too!! BAHAHHAHA man I make lame jokes.... [:{(

(I, mom, don’t ever get Spanish messages, or Juan faces, I fell neglected. Just kidding)
Dear Mom,
Ok, so first the email address you gave me for Kenzie was not the right one... It was some guy named Michael, but he was nice about it so it was worth a good laugh...
The mission has gone by way too fast!! I wish it would slow down but it only gets faster and faster as more time goes on. As far as transfers go I am not sure what is going to happen, my guess is we will both stay or they will give me a new companion. I am good where I am at, I really like my companion and the area, so I would be fine staying here.
I am way excited for the package on my year mark, but I can't really think of anything else that you could include in there... Sorry I am the same as you, I think of stuff I want to tell or ask you and then forget it as the week/time goes on, that is why missionaries always have their planners I guess.
(Ben’s mission changed their policy on attending the temple.  So starting now they can attend the temple once every six months.  Depending on where in Indiana they are serving they will either attend the Chicago or Louisville temple.  They have to be taken by members. Ben is so excited to finally be able to go to the temple again.) I have my white pants so all I need is the ordinance clothes and shoes, not the bag I will just use a backpack. I don't have plans to go soon, but it is because we can only go a select few times so I am debating whether to wait for a convert or someone in the branch that I am close to, too go so I can go with them then rather just having a member take us. I would love to be able to go to both temples, and the Indy temple, but I am not sure if the Indy one will be finished in time or not. (It’s expected to finish early in 2015, so he should at least still be there during the open house.)
 It sounds like life is busy back home, I do feel bad for dad that he doesn't have anyone to go to the Priesthood session with, that is one of my favorite traditions, to go to Priesthood session and then food afterwards. That is awesome that you got 5 tickets to go to the women’s conference that should be really cool to go up and see.
The trip south should also be really fun! I loved going down there and I am excited to be able to go back again after my mission. I have been out long enough, that I have now gotten to the point where most movies people mention I have not seen!!!! I thought that would never happen, but there are a few movies people have been telling us are awesome and a few cool songs too.  Two movies that I think I want to see, depending on the rating is one called Non-Stop and another called The Wolverine, they both sound really good, so add those to the list that you and dad should be making, so that I can watch those when I get home. Oh also you should watch Michael Henry and Justin Robinett's version of Billy Jean, it was really cool an investigator showed it to us because he really likes Michael Jackson. It is super sick. Anyway the weather here has been cold as usual, except two days we had 40's which was awesome!
Also we had a costume like contest for our Zone Training it was fun, I will have to send you pictures of that. Soon I will be sending home a package with a bunch of stuff in it.
(I asked him if he prefers the hot humid weather of summer or the cold of winter) I think I like the hot humid rather than the cold, but I am not sure. People say this summer is going to be really bad. That is awesome to hear about the Weaver family, I am so glad that they are really liking the missionary discussions, that will be a great thing for them.  I really like that family a lot!!  You will have to tell them hi for me and the best of wishes. Also tell the Romero's hi, I would like to go back up there in that area and serve one of these days, but I have no idea, we will see what the future brings for me. I think I have dreamed in Spanish, it has gotten sometimes where if I have been talking in Spanish for a while it just starts to sound... normal kind of like English does. . Some people pick up Spanish really quick while others don't, I didn't really pick it up super quick, but it comes with time and practice.
That is good that you saw Kenny, how is the old man doing?? I miss hearing his stories, he has been like a second father to me, so it is interesting to hear about him after such a long time. You will have to keep me updated on Kenny and the wife situation.
I am glad Aunt Mel is okay, that is always scary when stuff like that happens, and I will be sure to keep her in my prayers... I know I will be the oldest missionary in the family here soon, and I think I already am in the Ward if I remember right... Oh I almost forgot, we do have traditions for the one year mark that should be fun.  It is for every six months you burn a different article of clothing, first tie than shirt than slacks, than a suit. (I told him if he burns a suit I will have to hurt him, ha ha) My suits are also holding up just fine, The member just gave me the suit because he was getting rid of it and I looked super fly in  it hahahaha, not really but I like to think so. I do shine my shoes, the biggest thing I thrash is the bottom of them.  One pair is already taking heavy damage in one area and the others are doing alright, I do have to get new shoe laces for them though.
No new Gators yet, but the work is going really well. Sunday was awesome we did not have a dinner appointment; we do tonight though with the Davis family, who I really like. I do feel like we are pretty busy every day, and if not it is easy to fix by going by some less actives or tracting. I am doing alright on the Journal it isn't the best, but it is doing really well for me. Oh and I just use mama for mommy in Spanish it is like mom or mother but informal so that is what I use, it works better haha.
So now this week, this last week has been good, lots of exchanges which have gone well and we have one where I will be going on Purdue campus.  This will probably be on Thursday on my year mark, but we aren't for sure so I will let you know about that next week. The thought and such I will include this week though came from our gospel principles class on Sunday and brought for me a lot of personal thinking. It was on God is our loving Heavenly Father, now it took an interesting turn when the teacher went on about how there were times in his life where he was mad at God for the things that have happened in his life.  It made me think if I had ever been mad at my Father in Heaven.... I came to the conclusion after much pondering and thought that no, I never have been, so I mentioned that in the class. Now the teacher looks at me weird, and is like really you never have kind of questioned or been why, and I said yea, if I have ever been angry at someone for things that happen to me it is always myself never God. He then knowing me (Bro. Tincher is his name I really like him) says even with all the crap you have been through in your life you have never been mad at God or even felt the right to be mad at Him?!?? I said kind of calmly no, He has given me everything right? So if he takes something then it is in His will and it is for my better. Especially with my health challenges I have noticed this, not once did I ever think "Oh why does this happen to me???!!!" or things like that. I came to the conclusion of why is from a quote from the Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration movie when Emma asks Joseph "Do you think God ever asks too much??" And Joseph after a long pause says "No, I do not let myself". To me that almost means I can't or will not let myself think of it. I have felt the same, if I think of it in that manner than sure I could have been mad (which I don't!!!), but I don't let myself think that way, because if I did it would eat me alive I feel. There you have it, my spiritual thoughts for the week. I really enjoyed them, all is well out here and I hope everything continues to go well at home. I love you all so much and you are in my prayers often. Hope you have a great week.
Love, Elder Paxman

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