Monday, March 31, 2014

Surprised at Transfers, Follow the Will of The Lord

Elder Ben Paxman at Transfers.  Picture taken by a sweet missionary momma!

 Elder Paxman and his new companion Elder Markward.  Taken by Branch President Coffin and posted to facebook.

Dear Mom,

I really liked the cookies mom, they were super good and I am glad that you got them for me.  Elder Markward actually got the other cookies because he is my new companion. I am glad you liked the packages and the Books of Mormon.  (Elder Paxman sent us each a Book of Mormon with a post it note that had a list of scriptures that he wanted us to look up and mark.  He had also written his testimony in each one.) I wasn't sure what to do so I thought that was a pretty good idea.  I was going to highlight those scriptures and make you all find them, but that would have taken forever, seeing as you all got like 12 scriptures.

(This past week we were super blessed to receive 3 packages from Ben, a phone call from Brother TIncher, a member in the area he was just transferred from, and pictures posted via facebook by a sweet sister and the branch president in his new area) The Tinchers are amazing and I plan to email them next week, they are awesome people and yes we always joked that they were going to set me up with their granddaughter. I would email them this week, but I am a little short on time. I don't know if they have served a mission in Palmyra but I will ask him next week and see what he says.

1.      Why did you send home your Spanish Preach my Gospel?  Don't you need it? Isn't that what you teach from and study? I have two of them so I sent one home just in case you guys wanted it, and because it took up space.
2.      You also sent home the Spanish MTC study book, don't you need it to study your Spanish? The really big one is super old and I figured dad could use it if he wanted I found it and thought it would be cool to send home, I still have the newer ones with me.
3.      Where did you get those metal dice?  Are they homemade and who made them?  They are cool.  Brooklyn wants to put them on her shelf in her room till you get home. I told her NO WAY they are Ben's.  If you want to display them you have to ask him.  A member made me the metal dice back in Logansport his name is Junior. he was super cool and from Puerto Rico.
4.      Why did you send home tie tacs? The Tie tacs were sent home because they put little holes in my ties and so instead I used to use them as lapel pins, but they said we can't use them for that anymore, so that was sad...
5.      Where did you get all those CD's.  The country Christmas ones?  Do you still have the CD's because all the cases were empty.  If so where do you keep the CD's? I bought a CD case and the CD's are gifts from members, and then I bought I think two of them.
6.      FYI, Drew Shaver requested you as a friend on Facebook.  I accepted him for you.  You have also had a request from a sister Deandra do you want me to accept that one? That is awesome Drew invited me as a friend and I am glad you accepted him, also you can accept Sister Deandra she is a very nice less active sister from Logansport.
7.      What were all the Bibles?  Gifts from investigators, and the mini scriptures... where did all of that come from?  The bibles are gifts from investigators and the little books are a military set that Elder Hjelm gave to me and I need a box made for them haha.

This week was really interesting... First off as far as transfers go... I am BACK in CUMBERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy right!!!!! I thought so.  Yes I am in the same Branch and so I have the same mailing address as from the start of my mission hahaha. Hermana Marciella is a member in the White River branch.  We have a full time car, thank goodness!! My new companion is Elder Markward. I like him he reminds me a lot of myself when I first came on the mission. I drive, he has only been out for about six months. The apartment is the same one I started in, but they fixed the shower so it isn't retarded. So I like it. The Branch is good.  Good news the Diaz family is active again (this is the family he prayed so hard to travel back to Cumberland to be able to baptize) and it was like having a small homecoming yesterday in the Branch so that was awesome haha. I did love the country though.  My Spanish is alright not amazing, but it does alright considering I have not been using it.  It is going to be an interesting transfer.  We have a few investigators, but we will be trying to find more as time goes on. The Diaz family is in the branch and my area of course, so that is good they were really excited to see me when I surprised them with a visit on Saturday!  

8.       What are your plans for Conference? We always go to the church for conference so that is amazing.

How was the women’s conference thing?? I will have to go after my mission and just hang outside haha you know to hit on du ladies and stuff bahahaha, man am I evil. Just kidding!!  That is crazy that you had snow but probably good, you need the moisture.

No plans for the temple yet, but we will probably go here soon, and yes it would be Kentucky unless someone from somewhere else invites me

Well this week has been great, transfers were a curve ball that is for sure, and I really like Elder Markwarad he is from Washington. Well I do not have much time to email so I will talk a little about my feelings of transfers and such. First off, I have really learned about the will of God and also how he will do whatever he can for the people and me. Coming back to Cumberland has brought back many memories of great times, and funny stories. Another thing, it has helped me realize that Heavenly Father needs me here on the mission and even more specifically in certain areas for certain purposes.  After this transfer I will hit 9 months in this area, but I know without a doubt that I would not be here if it wasn't for a specific reason.  Maybe it’s to be with this certain companion, or maybe to help strengthen some Converts or some new people searching for the gospel, whatever it may be I will continue to do my best to try and fulfill his will and be the best I can. I know the Lord and my Father in Heaven love me so much, and the people here, to bring me back once again to the area, I cannot express enough how much this has been on my mind that I am definitely here back in Cumberland for a reason.  Although I may not know what it is, I will do my best to complete it. Also, with all the pondering and reflection it has caused a lot of remembrance and yet excitement for the future. Overall I am excited and grateful to be back and we will see what the future holds for me as a missionary.  By the way this is extremely rare and usually never ever happens!

Well Mom I love you so much and I can't wait to hear from you all again soon. Oh also one last story before I end, so I was talking with Sister Diaz, which they have been coming back to church for about 5 weeks now, and she was telling me again how much I have changed her family for the better.  In fact her mother and one of her sisters have been baptized because of their influence, and the spirit of this Gospel.  It has strengthened my testimony so much of the divinity of the work and the power of my calling as a missionary.  Anyway I love you all so much and hope everything continues to go amazing! Also I hope to hear from you soon.

Love, tu hijo, Elder Paxman 

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